Trade Association for Purchasing and Supply Management –
Papierflieger mit – Fachverband für Einkauf und Supply Management durchstarten

Trade Association
for Purchasing
and Supply Management

As a leading national trade association for purchasing and supply management, we offer our clients qualified information and training opportunities, and we maintain a broad-based network of business and science contacts.


Training & Events

Further training is an investment that always pays off in the end. The aim is to discover new talents and train employees to meet the needs of the organisation.

Mitgliedschaft Papierflieger come grow with us mit grauem Hintergrund


Members of include companies that want to improve their procurement with target-oriented further training and aids for daily purchasing tasks, as well as individuals who are passionate about procurement.

Symbolbild Service Purchasing Managers Index PMI

PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index)

The Swiss PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) was created in January 1995. It is a collaborative effort between CREDIT SUISSE and

More information in German and French

PMI April 2024: Kein Frühlingserwachen für die Industrie

Der Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) ist im April von 45,2 auf 41,4 Punkte zurückgefallen und notiert damit auf dem...

Soft landing pour les coureurs révolutionnaires?

Ici comme ailleurs, le producteur suisse de chaussures de course «On» défie des géants globaux comme Nike et Adidas sur un marché du sport qui n’est saturé qu’en apparence. Le COO Marc Maurer donne un aperçu de ses procédures de développement et de production.

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